Koiratanssi 25.10.2022
Osioita järjestetään lähtökohtaisesti kolme (A-C), tarvittaessa enemmän, mikäli osallistujamäärä on suuri. Osallistujat jaetaan mahdollisimman tasaisesti kaikkiin osioihin, joten yhden ohjaajan koirat voivat kilpailla useampaan osioon jaettuna.
Yksi koira voi kilpailla kilpailuissa vain toisessa lajeista (freestyle tai heelwork to music), muttei molemmissa.
sähköpostitse hallankaiku@gmail.com otsikoituna VKTL001 24.10.2022 mennessä muodossa:
Luokka (rv)
VTR-00000 rotukoodi <a href="https://-alkuinen koiran osoite">Koiran nimi</a>, ohjaaja (kappale)<br>
esim. VTR-12345 cpk <a href="https://mustimurri.com">Musti Murri</a>, Olli (Static)</br>
Osallistujat & tulokset
kaikki osallistujat kerätään ensimmäiseen lajin osioon, josta ne jaetaan kisapäivänä omiin osioihinsa edellä mainitun mukaisesti A-C tai useamman osion välillä.
Freestyle A 1 (15/30)
1. VTR-24359 brp The Nature of Time, Salama (Primo Victoria) 50p.
2. VTR-23225 clk Sotasielun Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Dee (Do Or Die) 40p.
3. VTR-24457 bc Aureum Look At My Little Frog Hat, Humutin (About Damn Time) 30p.
4. VTR-24234 clk Halluharjan ParaParaParadise, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 29p.
5. VTR-23672 sp All Saints of Narvik, Crissu (Daddy) 28p.
6. VTR-23917 bulter Feerie Jelly Boy, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 27p.
7. VTR-24259 clk Black Bletilla's Aspasia, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 26p.
8. VTR-24456 cpk The Moon Came Down To Kiss Me Goodnight, Humutin (Flyday Chinatown) 25p.
9. VTR-22890 walter Viettelysten Teddykarhujen Huviretki, rebelle (Blue Orchid) 24p.
10. VTR-22891 borter Heartwood's Astronomia, rebelle (Lotus) 23p.
11. VTR-23669 bc Nuurhaan Stuorrah, Crissu (Uno) 22p.
12. VTR-24077 ameaki Hubba, Pika (Laulu) 21p.
13. VTR-19095 shelam Remeny's Amiable Aracelle, Dee (Le bonheur) 20p.
14. VTR-23245 cpk Joystorm Quack Quacks, Dee (Now I Know) 19p.
15. VTR-24438 apk Sademetsän Sielunruokaa, Salama (Father) 18p.
Freestyle A 2 (15/30)
1. VTR-24259 clk Black Bletilla's Aspasia, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 50p.
2. VTR-23669 bc Nuurhaan Stuorrah, Crissu (Uno) 40p.
3. VTR-22890 walter Viettelysten Teddykarhujen Huviretki, rebelle (Blue Orchid) 30p.
4. VTR-24234 clk Halluharjan ParaParaParadise, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 29p.
5. VTR-23917 bulter Feerie Jelly Boy, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 28p.
6. VTR-23245 cpk Joystorm Quack Quacks, Dee (Now I Know) 27p.
7. VTR-24457 bc Aureum Look At My Little Frog Hat, Humutin (About Damn Time) 26p.
8. VTR-24359 brp The Nature of Time, Salama (Primo Victoria) 25p.
9. VTR-19095 shelam Remeny's Amiable Aracelle, Dee (Le bonheur) 24p.
10. VTR-24077 ameaki Hubba, Pika (Laulu) 23p.
11. VTR-24438 apk Sademetsän Sielunruokaa, Salama (Father) 22p.
12. VTR-24456 cpk The Moon Came Down To Kiss Me Goodnight, Humutin (Flyday Chinatown) 21p.
13. VTR-23672 sp All Saints of Narvik, Crissu (Daddy) 20p.
14. VTR-23225 clk Sotasielun Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Dee (Do Or Die) 19p.
15. VTR-22891 borter Heartwood's Astronomia, rebelle (Lotus) 18p.
Freestyle B 1 (14/30)
1. VTR-23968 shiba Falconlike Lost Love Letters, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 50p.
2. VTR-23553 clk Joystorm Safflower Skipper, Dee (You're Welcome) 40p.
3. VTR-21833 clk Standby's Eilidh, Crissu (Lucy Lawless) 30p.
4. VTR-22892 jackru Legends Homecoming Queen, rebelle (Distraction) 29p.
5. VTR-23900 ak Swirl Twirl Downside Up, Dee (Let It Go) 28p.
6. VTR-24525 shelam Elokuun Ei Kysyvä Tieltä Eksy, Salama (Rats) 27p.
7. VTR-24277 bulter The Exotic One of the Scrambling Kids, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 26p.
8. VTR-23604 clk Sotasielun Aamu Almiira, Dee (I'll Make A Man Out Of You) 25p.
9. VTR-24022 chihul Leafleap's Crush Smash, rebelle (Stop The Rain) 24p.
10. VTR-24185 kai Akishi Shitsudo ga takai desu, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 23p.
11. VTR-24506 weimal Srazy's Panthera Uncia, Humutin (No Wind Resistance) 22p.
12. VTR-24479 clk Joystorm Xirox Xisco, Salama The Other Son of Odin) 21p.
13. VTR-23706 sp Egilhard Flip Novak, Crissu (Cyka) 20p.
14. VTR-22704 bc Joystorm Enteropogon, Dee (Colder) 19p.
Freestyle B 2 (14/30)
1. VTR-24525 shelam Elokuun Ei Kysyvä Tieltä Eksy, Salama (Rats) 50p.
2. VTR-23968 shiba Falconlike Lost Love Letters, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 40p.
3. VTR-24022 chihul Leafleap's Crush Smash, rebelle (Stop The Rain) 30p.
4. VTR-22892 jackru Legends Homecoming Queen, rebelle (Distraction) 29p.
5. VTR-24185 kai Akishi Shitsudo ga takai desu, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 28p.
6. VTR-24277 bulter The Exotic One of the Scrambling Kids, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 27p.
7. VTR-23604 clk Sotasielun Aamu Almiira, Dee (I'll Make A Man Out Of You) 26p.
8. VTR-23553 clk Joystorm Safflower Skipper, Dee (You're Welcome) 25p.
9. VTR-24506 weimal Srazy's Panthera Uncia, Humutin (No Wind Resistance) 24p.
10. VTR-21833 clk Standby's Eilidh, Crissu (Lucy Lawless) 23p.
11. VTR-23900 ak Swirl Twirl Downside Up, Dee (Let It Go) 22p.
12. VTR-22704 bc Joystorm Enteropogon, Dee (Colder) 21p.
13. VTR-24479 clk Joystorm Xirox Xisco, Salama The Other Son of Odin) 20p.
14. VTR-23706 sp Egilhard Flip Novak, Crissu (Cyka) 19p.
Freestyle C 1 (14/30)
1. VTR-23996 kääsna Kalatea's Iryna, rebelle (Machine Heart) 50p.
2. VTR-24153 slough Elysian Koala, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 40p.
3. VTR-23479 bc 10th Tranquil Like A Drug We Love To Hate, Dee (Agni Kai) 30p.
4. VTR-23465 ivk Ice burn by Gradyloo, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 29p.
5. VTR-24266 afgaan Kuninkaallisen Mörrimöykky, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 28p.
6. VTR-24096 bc Guthrun Tulentanssija, Crissu (Et Haluu Kuulla) 27p.
7. VTR-20393 bpg Karmivan Summamutikka, Pika (Superhero) 26p.
8. VTR-24360 slk Hallantuoman Kynsisammal, Salama (Carolus Rex) 25p.
9. VTR-22832 bpt Tuskavierämän Puhuu Puuta Heinää, Dee (Cut You Off) 24p.
10. VTR-24294 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Palavarakkaus, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 23p.
11. VTR-24354 shelam Misty Roses from Indigo Land, Salama (Bismarck) 22p.
12. VTR-24454 mittel Jadeflow's Rain on a Summer Morning, rebelle (A-YO) 21p.
13. VTR-23635 cpk Joystorm Zephyr Blue, Dee (Circle Of Life) 20p.
14. VTR-24517 kerter Egocentric! Thunderburst, Humutin (Be Our Guest) 19p.
Freestyle C 2 (14/30)
1. VTR-23996 kääsna Kalatea's Iryna, rebelle (Machine Heart) 50p.
2. VTR-24294 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Palavarakkaus, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 40p.
3. VTR-24354 shelam Misty Roses from Indigo Land, Salama (Bismarck) 30p.
4. VTR-24266 afgaan Kuninkaallisen Mörrimöykky, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 29p.
5. VTR-24153 slough Elysian Koala, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 28p.
6. VTR-24096 bc Guthrun Tulentanssija, Crissu (Et Haluu Kuulla) 27p.
7. VTR-24454 mittel Jadeflow's Rain on a Summer Morning, rebelle (A-YO) 26p.
8. VTR-24517 kerter Egocentric! Thunderburst, Humutin (Be Our Guest) 25p.
9. VTR-20393 bpg Karmivan Summamutikka, Pika (Superhero) 24p.
10. VTR-23635 cpk Joystorm Zephyr Blue, Dee (Circle Of Life) 23p.
11. VTR-24360 slk Hallantuoman Kynsisammal, Salama (Carolus Rex) 22p.
12. VTR-23465 ivk Ice burn by Gradyloo, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 21p.
13. VTR-22832 bpt Tuskavierämän Puhuu Puuta Heinää, Dee (Cut You Off) 20p.
14. VTR-23479 bc 10th Tranquil Like A Drug We Love To Hate, Dee (Agni Kai) 19p.
Heelwork To Music A 1 (16/30)
1. VTR-24372 bc Guthrun Bad To You, Salama (Square Hammer) 50p.
2. VTR-24175 shelam Leafste Freon's Jungfrau, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 40p.
3. VTR-24055 bpt Shuntur De Nilemma, runaway (LollyBomb) 30p.
4. VTR-24200 hlk Hallalumon Feenikslintu Syntyy Uudelleen, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 29p.
5. VTR-24052 bpm Sonic Tails, runaway (Dead Unicorn) 28p.
6. VTR-24307 bpm Foxphoria Famous Last Words, Salama (Higher) 27p.
7. VTR-24073 clk Joystorm Umbra Ucilla, Dee (Juustossa Löytyy) 26p.
8. VTR-23330 clk Gloomkiller Judicious, Crissu (Y'all Want a Single) 25p.
9. VTR-24101 shelam Magnild Jolgeir, rebelle (Runaway Train) 24p.
10. VTR-23960 bpt Rainbow Snake with Cannibal Kids, Dee (Vanguard) 23p.
11. VTR-22885 bc Krako's Candy Muffin, rebelle (Passion) 22p.
12. VTR-24477 whippe Elysian Nature, rebelle (Girl Next Door) 21p.
13. VTR-24009 bpt Kuparipulverin Välillä On Melkein Ikävä, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 20p.
14. VTR-24343 ak 10th Tranquil You'll Never Be The Same, Salama (The Last Battle) 19p.
15. VTR-23393 bc Area Codes with Wonder Borders, Crissu (Forgotten) 18p.
16. VTR-23978 apk Solmusielun Renkinä Ovia Availen, Dee (Burn Butcher Burn) 17p.
Heelwork To Music A 2 (16/30)
1. VTR-24200 hlk Hallalumon Feenikslintu Syntyy Uudelleen, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 50p.
2. VTR-23393 bc Area Codes with Wonder Borders, Crissu (Forgotten) 40p.
3. VTR-24052 bpm Sonic Tails, runaway (Dead Unicorn) 30p.
4. VTR-23978 apk Solmusielun Renkinä Ovia Availen, Dee (Burn Butcher Burn) 29p.
5. VTR-24055 bpt Shuntur De Nilemma, runaway (LollyBomb) 28p.
6. VTR-23960 bpt Rainbow Snake with Cannibal Kids, Dee (Vanguard) 27p.
7. VTR-24372 bc Guthrun Bad To You, Salama (Square Hammer) 26p.
8. VTR-24101 shelam Magnild Jolgeir, rebelle (Runaway Train) 25p.
9. VTR-24073 clk Joystorm Umbra Ucilla, Dee (Juustossa Löytyy) 24p.
10. VTR-23330 clk Gloomkiller Judicious, Crissu (Y'all Want a Single) 23p.
11. VTR-24477 whippe Elysian Nature, rebelle (Girl Next Door) 22p.
12. VTR-24343 ak 10th Tranquil You'll Never Be The Same, Salama (The Last Battle) 21p.
13. VTR-24175 shelam Leafste Freon's Jungfrau, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 20p.
14. VTR-24307 bpm Foxphoria Famous Last Words, Salama (Higher) 19p.
15. VTR-22885 bc Krako's Candy Muffin, rebelle (Passion) 18p.
16. VTR-24009 bpt Kuparipulverin Välillä On Melkein Ikävä, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 17p.
Heelwork To Music B 1 (15/30)
1. VTR-24205 stbter Kindlier Kindergartenwächter, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 50p.
2. VTR-24168 slk Aavalaakson Lumivyöry, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 40p.
3. VTR-24114 kn Owl Eye's Epimyth, Dee (Ark - Winter Wonderland) 30p.
4. VTR-23666 bc Guthrun Drop It Like It's Puzzling, Crissu (Sing Sorrow) 29p.
5. VTR-24075 clk Joystorm Urby Uriel, rebelle (Down And Out) 28p.
6. VTR-24203 bpg Ayahuasca Serivakka, runaway (Tacos) 27p.
7. VTR-24446 clk Perfect Storm's Hang in There, Salama (Master of Puppets) 26p.
8. VTR-24100 shelam Magnild Jormungand, Dee (Glow In The Dark) 25p.
9. VTR-23708 sp Drizzchell Glittersims, Crissu (Evil Beauty) 24p.
10. VTR-24105 slk Hallatarun Kesämalva, Dee (Ark Main Theme) 23p.
11. VTR-24386 bpg Super Noisy Yumizuka, runaway (Go Bananas) 22p.
12. VTR-21265 apk Jaffa Cake of Burning Flames, rebelle (The Devil Inside) 21p.
13. VTR-14362 kn Kickblue Bull Fight Dance, Dee (What Else Can I Do?) 20p.
14. VTR-24491 clk Sotasielun Törmäpääsky, Salama (Year Zero) 19p.
15. VTR-24336 lpk Kaamossielun Jäkälä, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 18p.
Heelwork To Music B 2 (15/30)
1. VTR-24491 clk Sotasielun Törmäpääsky, Salama (Year Zero) 50p.
2. VTR-23708 sp Drizzchell Glittersims, Crissu (Evil Beauty) 40p.
3. VTR-24446 clk Perfect Storm's Hang in There, Salama (Master of Puppets) 30p.
4. VTR-24100 shelam Magnild Jormungand, Dee (Glow In The Dark) 29p.
5. VTR-24168 slk Aavalaakson Lumivyöry, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 28p.
6. VTR-21265 apk Jaffa Cake of Burning Flames, rebelle (The Devil Inside) 27p.
7. VTR-14362 kn Kickblue Bull Fight Dance, Dee (What Else Can I Do?) 26p.
8. VTR-24075 clk Joystorm Urby Uriel, rebelle (Down And Out) 25p.
9. VTR-24203 bpg Ayahuasca Serivakka, runaway (Tacos) 24p.
10. VTR-24105 slk Hallatarun Kesämalva, Dee (Ark Main Theme) 23p.
11. VTR-23666 bc Guthrun Drop It Like It's Puzzling, Crissu (Sing Sorrow) 22p.
12. VTR-24386 bpg Super Noisy Yumizuka, runaway (Go Bananas) 21p.
13. VTR-24205 stbter Kindlier Kindergartenwächter, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 20p.
14. VTR-24114 kn Owl Eye's Epimyth, Dee (Ark - Winter Wonderland) 19p.
15. VTR-24336 lpk Kaamossielun Jäkälä, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 18p.
Heelwork To Music C 1 (16/30)
1. VTR-24127 skn Cooldrool's Apple Of My Eye, Dee (Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship) 50p.
2. VTR-24387 bpm Suojavyöhykkeen Jäänsärkijä, runaway (Arribas) 40p.
3. VTR-22893 apk Moongame's Queen Eleonora, rebelle (crushed) 30p.
4. VTR-24363 whippe Shallow Soup by Wicked Wishes, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 29p.
5. VTR-24026 bpg Karmivan Beretta, Pika (Laulu) 28p.
6. VTR-24431 cpk Cavallery's Christmas Truce, Salama (He Is) 27p.
7. VTR-24122 clk Sotasielun Aikapommi, Dee (Eye Of The Tiger) 26p.
8. VTR-24389 bpt Gloryorb Thistle Vyckos, runaway (A Lot Of Money) 25p.
9. VTR-24192 shiba Akai Kumo Hanafubuki, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 24p.
10. VTR-23767 sp Solmusielun Pahat Enteet Hiljaisuuden, Crissu (The Chapeltown Rag) 23p.
11. VTR-24524 shelam Flashforward Fields of Verdun, Salama (Spillways) 22p.
12. VTR-24132 lpk Mökkitien Arvoituksellinen Avaruus, Dee (Throne) 21p.
13. VTR-24499 bc Guthrun Born In Rhode Island, rebelle (Wallachia) 20p.
14. VTR-24265 afgaan Majsroyal Dulzian Chalumeau, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 19p.
15. VTR-23833 afgaan Dracojordan Mythichamilton, Crissu (Los) 18p.
16. VTR-24362 whippe Frowsty Slap Me Again And I'll Kill You, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 17p.
Heelwork To Music C 2 (16/30)
1. VTR-24132 lpk Mökkitien Arvoituksellinen Avaruus, Dee (Throne) 50p.
2. VTR-24127 skn Cooldrool's Apple Of My Eye, Dee (Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship) 40p.
3. VTR-23767 sp Solmusielun Pahat Enteet Hiljaisuuden, Crissu (The Chapeltown Rag) 30p.
4. VTR-24122 clk Sotasielun Aikapommi, Dee (Eye Of The Tiger) 29p.
5. VTR-24265 afgaan Majsroyal Dulzian Chalumeau, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 28p.
6. VTR-24387 bpm Suojavyöhykkeen Jäänsärkijä, runaway (Arribas) 27p.
7. VTR-24524 shelam Flashforward Fields of Verdun, Salama (Spillways) 26p.
8. VTR-24362 whippe Frowsty Slap Me Again And I'll Kill You, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 25p.
9. VTR-24499 bc Guthrun Born In Rhode Island, rebelle (Wallachia) 24p.
10. VTR-24389 bpt Gloryorb Thistle Vyckos, runaway (A Lot Of Money) 23p.
11. VTR-23833 afgaan Dracojordan Mythichamilton, Crissu (Los) 22p.
12. VTR-24363 whippe Shallow Soup by Wicked Wishes, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 21p.
13. VTR-24026 bpg Karmivan Beretta, Pika (Laulu) 20p.
14. VTR-24431 cpk Cavallery's Christmas Truce, Salama (He Is) 19p.
15. VTR-24192 shiba Akai Kumo Hanafubuki, Nessu (Piiri Pieni Pyörii) 18p.
16. VTR-22893 apk Moongame's Queen Eleonora, rebelle (crushed) 17p.